Friday 4 April 2008

Spring Fashions

Fiaker Horses
Accessorized according to the latest spring fashions.
Next: Ray-Ban Sunglasses

The Bare Essentials
Coffee and people watching
with the master

Splashes of Orange
Energizing color at otherwise
Laid-back Chattanooga Café

Toning it down with a plain
white shopping bag?

Celeste and Yellow
Snorkel Blue and Freesia

Très bien, merci!

Fuchsia Watermelon Rococco Red?
An Hermès scarf to go with
Bobbi Brown's "Pink Raspberry" Palette?

Tie a Classic Rococco Red Ribbon
Round the Ole White Butcher Paper
Confiseur & Pâtissier
Purveyor to the Imperial and Royal Court of
Austria-Hungary in Vienna
Once upon a time!

Photographed along
Vienna's Graben
and, Heiner's, Kärntner Strasse


  1. I love those packages tied up with string :)

  2. Those packages are so tailored and stylish. I love to see the photo of people sitting at the outdoor cafe; here where I am, it is still too cold. Looks like spring has sprung in your beautiful corner!

    I will be back to see more of your words and pics on your attractive blog.


  3. You got a nice blog here, thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments.

  4. all the times I visited Vienna, all the time I even lived there, I never paid attention to these wonderful details. you have brought it alive for me in a way that it never was. many thanks!

  5. There is a clear sign of the days growing warmer and the city coming to life. I love the packages so beautifully parceled up.

  6. Every time I visit your blog, I end up with a smile. :)

  7. So trendy, these litle hats for ears! I want the same for spring time!

  8. Beautiful photos of Vienna in the spring! I could sit all day at one of your outdoor cafes!

    Eileen @

  9. You see the extraordinary in daily life, and your perspective makes your photos works of art--always. I learn and enjoy so much when I visit your blog.

    God bless.

  10. Hi Merisi, I really do enjoy visiting your site as you seem to capture the very essence of life in Vienna - not that I have ever been there. Nice series of photos.

  11. London is having spring snow - so all this lovely light and colour and sitting around in the street having coffee seems a world away.

    PS to ann (mobaydp) and everyone. Hi, ann, and everyone, re the last post, please call me Sally (I use my surname only because there are so many Sallys out there) :))

  12. I also have a yellow bag -oops fressia -righto :)

    ps- gift from my boss -said matched my personality lol !!

    pps - hope all well....!!


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