Thursday 19 July 2007

Summer in the City


Pink flamingos on Graben Street

Keeping his cool

Keeping my cool
Zanoni & Zanoni Gelato
Baci Perugina Pistacchio Mirtilli
3 flavours for 2 Euros
Vienna's answer to Pistachio di Bronte of Paris!

Ivory Rose
Martha Srna Modlitby's
Naglergasse 1+3

Werter Kunde!
Dear esteemed customer
we will be back to serve you ...
Martha Srna Modlitby's


  1. The roses are getting a little wilted and hot from the heat. They look like I feel wehen it gets too hot.
    Good pictures and the gellato looks so good.

  2. Hi Merisi:
    Thank you for the poem of the fig tree. I passed it on to a friend who's father was from Italy and his fig tree was his sweet remembrance of home. How touching.
    I love the neon flamingos as they are my favorite bird!!!
    The roses are "IT" as they show an earthiness and realness.

  3. Gelato is a good solution. :-) We made a point of having gelato every day that we were in Italy. Pineapple and coconut being one of my favorite combinations. Add passionfruit to that - and I'm in heaven!

  4. Anonymous20 July, 2007

    Oh...that gelato looks soooo good!

  5. My melange said it all! Ahhhhhh...

    I love that little note on the end.
    "Esteemed Customer"... How nice!

  6. Great shots. Your roses are wilting - and we'll have frost tonight in Melbourne!

  7. Anonymous21 July, 2007

    Poor pink roses, bruised and withering in the heat...The gelato was no doubt a great comfort! ;o) Scrumptious visual post! Happy Weekend to you! :o)

  8. Anonymous21 July, 2007

    Hello, Merisi.

    When I check your blog, I feel like I am traveling the city for real.

  9. I heart the ivory rose - and all these delightful sights! And gelato - don't get me started. I discovered it when living in San Francisco - the best is in Little Italy - and have been on a quest ever since!

  10. Anonymous22 July, 2007

    Wonderful desciption and photos.

  11. Beautiful photos! The pink flamingos are very nice!

  12. Anonymous22 July, 2007

    ....and dear Merisi.....I hope you are back soon to serve us.....

  13. I loved the rose pic....even with their curl and wilt...superb beauties....! Flamingoes are so cute.
    Tk care ~

  14. always a treat, sugar! i so love the color themed photos/posts! i'm getting a recipe for mint juleps this week from one of the BEST bartenders here in town just for you! i should ask him to come up with a cocktail for you ;)

  15. Where oh where is that gelato?
    Zanoni & Zanoni Gelato
    In Wien?
    I'm on my way!!!

  16. Delicious walk. Such a civilised way to mingle with Summer... I think I might steal that "esteemed customer" idea. How curteous.I wonder if there would be anyone not to think I've gone nuts. Not that it'd matter!Thanks!

  17. beautiful as always. :o)

  18. Anonymous25 July, 2007

    Merisi, I wish I could sit down and share thaticecream with you!! Your photos always delight me and make me lust to travel to Vienna!!

  19. If I may be so bold to make a small correction, they are actually rosy flamingoes.


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