Friday 8 June 2007

Gnomes in Urban Landscape
Viennese Moments

I have been walking by this fellow
for several months now.
He's still turning his back to me. **

Country in an urban window

Inquiring about the little red-hatted fellow,
I was told, he wasn't quite ready yet.
And got presented with another Gartenzwerg.

Easily the prettiest window boxes
in the First District.
And not only for the potted peony.

The same windows, with last summer's bounty

Oranje Fan
Soccer Worldcup 2006

Walking towards Fleischmarkt

Griechengasse towards Hafnersteig
Photo taken on the same spot
as the one above,
only this time with the back to Fleischmarkt
To your left, Griechengasse continues,
with St. George's Church (ca. 1800);
ahead of you;
slightly to your right, sloping towards the Donaukanal,
bégins Hafnersteig

Looking from Griechengasse, beyond Hafnersteig,
Franz-Josef-Kai and the Donaukanal,
to Leopoldstadt (2nd District),
i.e. the view, that the gentlemen
in the above photo have ahead of them.

**) click for an earlier image of
the stubborn red-hatter.
Images and Text © Merisi


  1. Anonymous09 June, 2007

    Vienna always looks so perfect - I'm not used to seeing peeling paint (last shot).
    I quite like that red pot (first shot).

  2. Anonymous09 June, 2007

    You have such a charming and funny eye for details. I love walking with you.

  3. I so love the first picture. That little gnome is just too cute. Such attitude, eventhough you can't see his face!

  4. Anonymous09 June, 2007

    Love your photo's you have a great eye for detail. I love the walkways and alleyways between the buildings

  5. Anonymous09 June, 2007

    Ah Ha!
    I spy a troll...
    Did he escape from Santa's sley?
    Isn't he supposed to be minding someone's garden in summertime?

  6. I love those last three photos.
    Such an example of "old meets new"....

  7. The clouds in the last picture are wonderful.

    I love all the window boxes. Even though I have a yard with gardens and flowers a-plenty, I always wish I have flower boxes too..

  8. lovely! all of them!

  9. freefalling:
    Vienna has a very mixed population, thank heaven, and there is constantly renovation work going on. Still, it's very expensive.

    Thank you, and you are very welcome to follow me around. ;-)

    That little gnome captured my eye and heart some time ago. And his master has not only a green thumb, but a heart of gold, he offered me the other gnome to photograph. It's amazing, every step I go, I find Viennese who are this kindhearted and friendly.

    My melange:
    You must come see Vienna, I cannot even begin to show all these hidden little walkways and alleys and courtyards in the First District, not even starting elsewhere (I have discovered in my own immediate neighborhood, the 13th District, at least a dozen "green" alleyways, that at first I missed, so well hidden are they).

    This IS somebody's garden, Carol! ;-)

    This is what I love most about Vienna: it is not a stagnant place, and there are many examples of new architecture that, to my eyes, fit right in with the old.

    tlc illustration:
    There would be many window boxes for you to admire, Vienna and Austria as a whole offer a wide variety of styles.

    Thank you, Ilva. :-)


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