Sunday, 21 January 2007

Viennese Sweet Dreams

Melange and Chocolate Truffle Torte at Café Mozart

Whipped Cream

Sweetest name in town, for a miniature donut: Puppenkrapfen
Melts on your tongue: Pup-pen-krap-fen
Krapfen: Apricot jam filled donut
Puppe(n): Doll(s)

Hot Chocolate at Demel's
Sample size!

Chestnut Hearts

Meringues at Schokolade König's



  1. My mouth is just watering, oh so divine.

  2. That whipped tongue is out :-)

  3. Maddy, have a piece, please!
    Ah, life! I actually dumped this off my capuccino where some well-meaning soul had added it. Feeling sorry for the poor little glob, I gave it a shot. Glad, you liked it. :-)

  4. aha - I went and saw it again...yeah I can see...still a good shot.

    ps - will post pics of Udaipur in next 2-3 days....this place was really beautiful. U will be buying Indian Map and I am looking forward to my future trip to Vienna....( hope for that future)and when I will do that I will just need to refer to your blog. Your blog is so full of character. I just love visiting and admiring pics...

  5. Yumyumyumyumyum! Wow! Too amazing looking. (this is actually *evil* for me right now! I'm currently OFF chocolate... argh..)

    Glad you liked the 'knot of toads'. I hadn't actually hadn't considered a 'housekeeping' correlation, but it makes good sense! Good catch.

  6. Bend:
    Thank you, you are very generous!
    What can I say? thanks to a bad cold (3 days and counting), I decided to do some housekeeping this morning and finally wrapped and boxed those glass tree ornaments and them. (Anybody cheering?????)


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