Monday 13 November 2006

Painted Sky in the Early Morning Sun


Looking up while walking the dog
at 7.30 this morning in the neighborhood.



  1. Very lovely photos...truly no one can paint as beautiful as Nature.

    This gave me push to put up my pics on sunset...

  2. What a fun blog - it looks like you are having a great time exploring.

    It is nice seeing blue sky. We may not have any more here until next July.... (The downside of the Pacific Northwest).

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Tahat's a great shot, well done. It's great to look up sometimes!

  4. Those of trees are really nice shots, as the ones in the others posts.
    You have a great feeling with pictures. I like a lot shots with a view from down to up.

    Queste degli alberi sono veramente delle belle foto, come anche quelle degli altri post. Hai un bel feeling con le immagini. Mi piacciono gliscatti dei tetti, con la vista dal basso verso l'alto.

    Grazie per la visita. E torna atrovarmi sul blog, e anche in Italia. Torre Astura merita una visita è un posto bellissimo.


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