Saturday 21 October 2006

16th District: Choice Foodstuffs with Rhythm & Blues at Yppen Platz


Closing time?
No problem, Moffi of "Arge Rosenauerwald" farmers' cooperative still takes the time to let a customer sample
his choice selection of cheeses.

Lentil soup simmering in the pot, to be served with farmer's bread and butter.

View of the scene outside Moffi's

After living in Vienna for little more than a year, it's my experience, that arts und music are not only celebrated in the great venues of museums, concert halls and theaters, but in everyday places. I went to Moffy's today for the good cheese (and cheer) and was greeted by Mississippi John Hurt's "Ain't Nobody But You Babe". That's Vienna! ;-)

You'd like coffee with the music? Step across the street, the barista at "Johann's Cafe" will brew you an eccellent cup of "Hansy's" and cheerfully allow you to carry it over to Moffi's, as long as you return the china cup by 4 pm.
In the background Moffi himself, jamming.

More pictures of Yppen Platz:
Farmer's market and outdoor life infront of Cafe' Noi.


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