Thursday 3 July 2008

Summer in the City

Operetta Rose
"Operetta is a genre of light opera,
light in terms both of music and subject matter
." *)

Viennese Iced Coffee
Pour a double shot of hot espresso over
two scoops of vanilla ice cream
in a tall glass.
Top with whipped cream.

Soda Citron
Soda water, lemon juice, a slice of lemon.
No sugar!
Unrestrained enthusiasm
caught in a glass

More Soda Water
bubbling away

Bubbles and Burbling
Yes, Mungo Jerry,
in the summertime,
when the wheather's right,
you got lemon soda on your mind!

All drinks served
yesterday afternoon at
Café Landtmann
Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 4
Next to Burgtheater,
(Rose Garden!), and
City Hall

White Roses
Cool whites
from the city's Rose Garden.


*) From Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia


  1. Merisi~ I'm not a coffee drinker per se but I think I'd like a Viennese Iced Coffee...yum! The Operetta Rose has such an unusual coloring. Were they developed in Vienna? Thanks for stopping by my site today and yes, I built a second site for my Master's program requirements but hope to maintain it all through the school year. Happy Thursday ;-)

  2. OMG!!!
    what a divine picture!
    That flower knocked my socks right off and sent them across the room and OUT THE WINDOW!
    LOVE love love your photos!
    Read my lips

  3. I have to say the ice cream sounds better alone than with coffee.

  4. ALLIE:
    You are welcome! :-)
    I am not quite sure if "real" Viennese agree with my recipe (I actually have it from Café Greco in Rome *g*), but it's the version I like best, if I ever drink it. ;-)

    I hope nobody got hit by that force! ;-)

    Each its own: A bowl of good vanilla ice cream for you, espresso for me? ;-)

  5. Egg cream...soda water with a squirt of hersheys egg, no cream...leave it to a New Yorker, lol! And I looked at the lovely rose and the theme Summer in the City and instantly "hot town Summer in the City the back of my neck's getting dirty and gritty" began running in my brain'll be there the rest of the night!

  6. What a great compilation of photos you have here.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a kind comment.

  7. That's a very grand looking waiter bringing the iced coffee out!

  8. Anonymous03 July, 2008

    I guess the soda can be great!

  9. Anonymous03 July, 2008

    Impressive photography.

  10. great catch! Happy weekend... hope you can drop by at my corner too..

  11. Anonymous03 July, 2008

    Merisi! Do you own that first rose?!!!! Where is it? I have to have one!

  12. Sandi McBride:
    Oopsie, I hope you did not wake up too exhausted from running that earworm all night! ;-)))

    You are welcome!
    I always enjoy returning to yours. ;-)

    Oh, the waiters in Vienna,
    The temptatations one encounters here constantly, not only at which sidewalk cafes to stop, which drink to select, no, even which will be my waiter of the day! Exhausting, me dear, exhausting! :-)


    Yes, that Soda Citron is a real thirst quencher. At first it puckers up your mouth, and then it makes you crave for another sip from that tall cool glass. I encountered that kind of strength (the Viennese put a the juice of a whole lemon in one glass, if not more) for the first time when I moved here. They seem to like it all over Austria. When those glasses show up in the outdoors cafes, you know that summer's here to stay!

    Abraham Lincoln:
    Thank you! :-)

    Snap Catch:
    Thank you, I will!

    For The People:
    I only own the image,
    the rose blooms in the city's Rose Garden.
    (I love the theme of your blog, Mississippi nature images!)

  13. The speckled rose fascinates me...I don't believe I've ever seen one before.

  14. Ooh, that operetta rose is calling me!

  15. I would love an iced coffee right now!


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